keindahan hidup ini tidak bergantung pada betapa bahagianya dirimu, tetapi betapa orang lain bahagia karenamu   
Selasa, 30 Desember 2008


Ci..Lu Ba.. (^_~_

Huff...akhirnya gw bisa bikin blog juga setelah perjalanan yang cukup panjang dan melelahkan... (sedikit lebaii merupakan bumbu yang cukup efektif)

Gw mo ngintip ah..

Apakah gw masih rajin untuk menuliskan blog inih?? ternyata gw amnesia (red.malas) untuk menuliskan sepatah dua patah kata di sini..

Huff…dasar orang sibuk..luangkanlah waktumu untuk menuliskan something di sini..

Up to u deh mo nulis curhat,,cerpen,,puisi,,artikel,,ato cuman memajang foto” narsis.haghaghag!!!dasar!!!

Mari kita jelajahi blog sang ” beta.kecil.cabe.rawit”..

Lets’ go..!!!


posted by beta.kecil.cabe.rawit @ 01.27  

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Name: beta.kecil.cabe.rawit
Home: Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
About Me: I'm full of energy.I'm spirited and boisterous. I'm friendly, charming, and warm. I get along with almost everyone. I a seeker. I often find yourself restless - and I have a lot of questions about life. I tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. I'm most comfortable when I'm far away from home. I'm confident, authoritative, and aggressive. I'm very intuitive and wise. I understand the world better than most people. I also have a very active imagination. I often get carried away with your thoughts. I'm intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. I value my time alone. I'm a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go my way.And because I'm so lucky, I don't really have a lot of worries. I just hope for the best in life.
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